
"See, I think drugs have done some good things for us, I really do.
And if you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a Favor:
Go home tonight and take all your albums,
all your tapes, and all your CDs and burn em.
'Cause you know what?
The musicians who've made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years...
Rrrrrrrrrrrrreal fucking high on drugs."
Asa incep versurile citate de catre Bill Hicks ale piesei 'Third Eye' a celor de la TOOL. Am inceput sa reascult formatia asta de nu-metal si mai ales piesele de pe albumul 'Ænima' lansat in 1996 si dupa parerea mea, unul dintre cele mai bune albume ever.
Albumul contine 15 piese si nu pot spune care ar fii preferata mea pentru ca toate piesele sunt de 5 stele!

(cea mai tare parte intre 5:11-5:44)

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